anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Got to make this quick while everyone is out - BUT I JUST CAN'T RESIST IT ANY LONGER!!!! So, in the good old-fashioned tradition of the blogoshere rant I WILL VENT MY SPLEEN!!!!

(ew gross, something visually not nice just popped into my head then ..)

Anyway, here it is: Regarding Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' new kid, a fan shouted (while jumping up and down on an imaginary couch) "THIS IS A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA. IT IS THE NEW CAMELOT!"

Now, dear readers, am I the only one to find that repulsive? (And I am not even American! )Yet I saw that replayed again and again last night on the telly in the news. Do Americans revere Tom Cruise that much? I thought he was generally held to be a power-mad pip squeak cum nutter!

Scientology. I know he is their figure head (hence the delusions of grandeur I suppose). But where did the Camelot thing come in to it? I know in the original Camelot there was a great theme of SHAME to do with Guinevere's adultery. So is it the shame of the illegitimacy of this new baby? Don't think so, because that fact is swept aside (though true).

Maybe there is the view that a new age has been ushered in with the King and Queen (concubine?) of Scientology who will convert the masses to the home-brewed psychology and "For Tax Purposes Only 'Religion'" of L. Ron Hubbard? (And is it not funny that he was a SCIENCE FICTION writer?!)

Whatever the explanation, I feel desperately sorry for this poor little girl. I wonder what age she will be when first dragged off to an "engram" hunt in her brain? And they do do it to kids, and even have books about it. (Check for yourself!)

Is it a Great Day For America?
I think it is a sad commentary, myself.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Angie said...

I am laughing my ass off at your post! I love reading your blog, you're so hysterical! And to think, I used to have Tom's posters all over my room! Now, I see his face and want to barf! What a freakin' nut job! I also used to be a big Dawson's Creek fan (Katie Holmes's money maker) and now I just feel sorry for the girl!

I could go on and on, but it's your blog so I won't! Have a great day!

At 1:48 AM, Blogger D. said...

No, no, no and NO! Americans do not revere Tom Cruise in any way, shape or form. He's become the butt of multiple jokes, as is the nature of Hollywood.

I've not seen this clip you're referring to, but I can assume it's the tabloid news shows that come from here.

We do enjoy our trash t.v., but the spawn of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, a/k/a TomKat, does not a new Camelot make.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger FarmWife said...

Poor little Suri doesn't stand a chance. Her mother is deluded and her father is a true blue nut case. I'm with you on the delusions Americans have about Chamelot and Tomkat...I don't get either one. We're celebrity crazed even if we find them repulsive. I was never a big T.C. fan, but he's dug himself into a hole and we're all waiting around to throw the dirt in on top of him.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

I think the whole world knows that Suri means "Princess" in Hebrew (maybe Tom and Katie started this Camelot thing ...?) and "red rose" in Persian or something. But apparently, in Japanese, Suri means "pick pocket" ! !

Oh that poor, poor kid.

At 3:21 AM, Blogger FarmWife said...

From what I've read, 'Suri' doesn't mean Princess in Hebrew. 'Sari' does, 'Sara' does, 'Suri' isn't even Hebrew! But they're pushing it to mean princess...guess they're leaving a mess of Hebrew scholars scratching their heads. But then I'm sure Tom Cruise has studied the history of Hebrew. I mean, the man is an expert in Psychiatry, why not linguistics too?

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The news clip I saw was wondering why TC could get Katie preggers while he and Nicole Kidman had to adopt?
Tom is a joke and American Camelot refers to the JFK clan. I don't see how anyone can compare Tom Cruise to JFK!!!

At 7:35 PM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

What was that about a placenta?!!!Have NOT heard that one ....

Perhaps there is a classical Hebrew and a modern Hebrew (like with Greek, which has at least 3 forms I know of) thus accounting for the difference in the spelling of Suri/Sara/Sari ? Just a thought.

Oh! She'll probably get called "Sewerage" at school. That's if she's allowed to go anywhere normal like that.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Suri is a type of Alpaca.....go ahead check....


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