anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Monday, April 10, 2006

STILL WAITING FOR ALL THOSE SUNSHINEY VIBES TO FILTER UP FROM MY UNDERPANTS. Needless to say, I am pretty bummed out when I have to resort to putting on my yellow "happy pants" in order to feel all positive and vibrant about life. I'm actually using all the heavy artillery today; I've got my yellow happy pants on, one of my laundry-disaster bras on (left in a red wash too long with my tie-dyed T shirts and came out looking kind of groovy and designer label) AND I am even wearing my HushPuppies with my SADDLE CLUB SHOE LACES "Hello world, this is me - e, life should be -e, fun for every one ..."


And no, smarty-pants reader, I'm not going to eat chocolate. You thought I was weak didn't you? Anyway, the paracetamol and codeine should kick in soon. Poor me. I've been sick. But it was quite funny, actually, because I got to read the Readers Digest in the doctor's waiting room. AUGUST 1975!

So I was able to learn again about the wonders of SKYLAB - before it crashed to earth (in Western Australia, mind you!) in 1979. I remember that. One of the kids at school had a farm where bits of it landed and her dad brought a big chunk of it along to show everyone. Probably radioactive to some extent, but we didn't know. We just passed it around after picking a bit off ! Still have it. ( That could explain my headache ... .) The NASA guy famously said at the time, when they were trying to crash-land it somewhere safe, "Oh, Western Australia, there's nothing but Aborigines and kangaroos there!" Gotta love the Yanks.

I also read about some French guy tight-rope walking between the twin towers before they opened in New York. Gotta wonder about the Frogs. (And as Australians, we always use these term of address affectionately.)

The colour therapists need to know that this yellow underwear thing just doesn't work! The only thing my happy pants are doing is making my legs and stomach look even whiter than they are. I could try them on my head, maybe, and make my teeth look whiter! "You are you, I am me, we'll be free, hello world ..."

Think my medication is doing its thing.


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

I gotta' say...thinking about you walking around with yellow underware on your head...makes me chuckle too!

Now...depending on your hair color, it may make that look washed out too! LOL!

thanks for the visti! Come again...enjoy my archives!

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Apparently at this hour of the morning...I can't spell either!

Thanks for the visit!

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Chauntecleer said...

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At 5:19 PM, Blogger Chauntecleer said...

Darn it! Yellow happy pants don't work, you say? I wish I knew that before I bought 10 pairs.

Sorry to hear that you've been sick. Feel better, k?

That's so cool about the Skylab! You get major awesomeness points for still having a piece of it! Unfortunately, the only space debris to fall in my neck of the woods were the remains of Space Shuttle Columbia...

At 7:34 PM, Blogger jel said...


thanks for the laughs

take care

At 5:27 AM, Blogger FarmWife said...

Damn Yankees! I can say that because I are one. We are (as a whole) sadly uneducated about the geography (and everything else) of other countries. Now I'll have to dig out my Atlas!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't have yellow pants, but I do have some with smiley faces on them, do they qualify as happy pants?

Sorry your feel bad, wish I could help. I'll think warm and fuzzy thoughts for you, maybe it'll help.

And your sidebar has magically jumped back up where it was supposed to be. Did the happy pants do that???

At 9:24 AM, Blogger anonymous jones said...


P.S. I have not removed or deleted any comments from here, so I assume the 'author' is not me, but an overly shy fan.
Thank you.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Lara said...

gotta agree - yellow just doesn't do it (sorry if you like yellow!). You feeling better - an NZ 'flu' has got me - though at the tail end now thankfully - just in time for term break!

At 8:08 PM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said...


Get these snakes off my plane


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