anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Soccer. BORING. I'd rather watch grass grow. In fact, the only interesting thing ABOUT soccer is the grass. So, when Instant Jim foils my evening's pleasurable watching of Desperate Housewives, and insists, in a gender-induced pyschosis, that he is GOING to watch the WORLD CUP, I think to myself " Oh well, at least I get to see that really exciting grass!"

I suppose, over the years, I have become quite the connoisseur of sporting turf. Those guys on the mowers THEY are the real legends out there, THEY are the heroes and role models for our young!

Precision. I LOVE THAT GRASSY PRECISION! I really do. All those beautiful patterns they mow into the grass in those arenas - how do they do it? Is it by direction, or by length, or by fertilizer ?? These are the mysteries of life. So we ponder them during the ho-hummity of the World Cup. (Snore.)

It's a game for GIRLY-MEN (as Arnold Schwarzenegger may say), is it not? Just look at all the mean, cat-fighting, hissy-fit carrying on that happens constantly .. HEY, they should put a bit of soccer in The O.C, shouldn't they?! Marissa in a scrum .. Marissa head-butting her Chanel bag at What's-His-Name ... What's-His-Name pulling his shirt up - oh .. they do that already.

Obviously it's not as girly, of course, as baseball and grid iron with the funny, tight little latex breeches that they wear. But as a third place it qualifies! Nice hair do's some of them have... quite pretty pulled up in cute little pony tails. Yes, a wee bit of sarcasm that was. Maybe I am being too harsh? Why should soccer players and choir girls everywhere not model the same socks, after all? (But I hear rumours of blue nail polish and blonde tips! Surely not? I can't imagine rugged Englishmen doing that kind of thing! )

The best grass patterns are the swirly ones. Very hard to get right, I imagine, without it looking as if the turf aestheticians were a bit tipsy behind the wheel of their mowers. I DO like the classic chequer board, though. The stripes appear a bit cheap.

I'm waiting for the day they get really experimental and some nice crop-circle designs appear in the World Cup grass. And at long last, when we lift our eyes from the skilful magnificence carved in the turf, hopefully all the players would have been abducted.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

Nope. But isn't it funny how America uses the IMPERIAL system???!

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Amiene Rev said...

since i have my test next weekend, i dont have time for world cup, just blogging in the evening. :)

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness! What a faux pas - I, of course, meant SPANDEX breeches, not latex. Although ... no. That would be vulgar!

At 12:21 PM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

That previous comment was mine. I am just getting too anonymous for my own good.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I love soccer, but this made me laugh so hard. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent at baseball games watching them mow the lawns and drive over those dirt areas with the little bag things attached to their tractors making dark stripes and light stripes, and it really is quite amazing how they do it. When going to sporting events, even sports I like, I always like to go early, not so I can get a good seat, but so I can watch them prepping the field.

It would be very sad though if all the footballers were abducted and you missed all the excitment of the abduction because you were busy watching the grass. What if it was aliens, and you missed your only chance to see one? Until, of course, they abduct you, but then they might not send you back to blog about it.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

LITTLE BAG THINGS???? This is a new development!! More Info!


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