anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Every thing has gone to rack and ruin!
I'm looking around me right now and all I see is HUMAN PIGSTY. Get your innoculation for swine fever before you come here! I've even gone to rack and ruin (though I bothered to wash my hair on Wednesday so I didn't look like a Smurf again). And I have had this windcheater on for a week. I used to care.

Dear Readers you must be embarassed by me.

Grunge was the greatest thing to happen to fashion, don't you think? It all started with Georgio Armani pushing up and rumpling the sleeves of his big bucks mens' suits. Then it ended with Kurt Cobain and his wonderful cardigans. Dear dead Kurt.

The hippies knew a thing or two about fashion as well, but you know me, I'll tie-dye my underwear if I can. AND DON'T SCOFF AT TRACKY DAKS. Tracksuits are the mainstay of my couture. Long live the dag (or the 'geek' as the Yanks say).

I'll tell you something and I know you won't believe me. I have been told BC (before children) that I should be a model. Oh stop laughing! No, quite true. OK Ok, it was by my uncle once, but a hairdresser said the same thing (think she was a druggy) and once a shop assistant did too. ...
> sudden intake of air <
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW GULLIBLE I HAVE BEEN.Bum. She only said it to get a sale. How naive. It's all clear to me now. That's me in my model days (pictured).

I don't even know where I am going with this. Human Pigsty. Oh yeah - not only is my house one, but I am one too. Sigh *

p.s. I always like to credit my references and other people's work, and the photo from my last post failed to print that, so I will: It was a Flickr photo by Andreas Solberg. Oh, and I can't pose and take photos at the same time, Instant Jim is responsible for that picture (and most of my other photos).


At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My house is a pigsty too, but then I only have a male flatmate person to order about to do all the work and hes so disobedient.

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I've decided to run a home for unwanated dust bunnies, they thrive in human pigsty(s?ies?) Superwoman I ain't and it's my 12 hour a day job that pays the bills. One of these days I'm going to break down and hire a house cleaner.


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