anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Life is a mystery to me. Why, for example, has the U.S more plastic pink flamingos than there are real flamingos in the world? Why am I sitting here eating an early lunch of titanic pizza from Tippy's (the pizza maestros) when I have just logged off my membership at (Australia's) The Biggest Loser website forum?? And why does Keith Urban obviously employ a muppet as his hair stylist?
I need to ask Oprah: there are things she 'knows for sure'.
... Or maybe someone should call the Useless Men (see link)...

By the way, that should be maestri because it is the plural form of the masculine noun.


At 3:14 AM, Blogger DPTH International said...

I think Keith Urban is on the verge of a new trend. Everyone loves the Muppets, but no one as far as I know has looked like them. Why to be leading edge Keith!

At 9:11 AM, Blogger FarmWife said...

I've always wondered just what was wrong with K.U. You've nailed it and relieved me of endless worry!

I heard somewhere that a small company has made all the original pink flamingo lawn "ornaments." Apparently they are stopping production and will not be selling the molds making them extremely valuable. I'm not sure I've ever seen them in a yard...

At 12:18 PM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

Well there's a mystery then! If the flamingos are not on lawns in yards WHERE ARE THEY??? Moreover, WHAT ARE THEY DOING???????

Conspiracy theory number one: Aliens are marshalling their forces of pink flamingos in their bid to take over the world and enslave humankind.

Conspiracy theory number two: the pink flamingos have formed a secret alliance with garden gnomes and ex-pat hobbits to conquer New Zealand.

Conspriacy theory number three: Keith Urban is looking for A LOT of exotic back up dancers ..

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Laura Brown said...

My Mother spends winters in Florida (we are Canadian so she's a snowbird). Anyway, she has several plastic flamingos on her front yard in the trailer park. We call her trailer trash. It does seem to be true what they say about hurricanes/ tornados and trailer parks. She's had a few hit but always during the time she is back up here. But the flamingos are cheap to replace, plastic ones at least. She also has a rock garden with a mirror that looks like a pond and a crocodile (plastic) floating around on the mirror. It looks quite real and has scared a few people at first glance. :D


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