anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Super-sized American chicken

Reasons to get backyard chooks:

  • 1. I am colossally stingey and so free eggs appeals to the miser in me.

2. Free range eggs from the shops now cost $8 a dozen.

  • 3. I could pretend to be one of the "McLeod's Daughters" cast and I could wear tight jeans and an Akubra hat while still maintaining a cinematic complexion.
  • 4. I'd have something to bribe and barter with and be no longer reliant on my charm, good looks and stalking abilities.

Freaky, naked Israeli-bred chicken

Reasons not to get backyard chooks:

  • 1. I may have to actually touch them at some stage.
  • 2. I don't want to clean poo off eggs or anywhere else.
  • 3. I'm monumentally stingey and the Scrooge in me balks at shelling out to build an enclosure.
  • 4. I've heard they attract snakes. Is this true?
  • 5. I've heard they live for nine years but only lay for three. Is this true?
  • 6. I've wanted to be self-sufficient in case of a bird flu pandemic, but then getting chooks is not the best move on that chess board, is it? Maybe I could farm platypusses/ platypi/plattercats whatever. ..

  • 7. Chicken rage: I have chicken anxiety about encountering it.

  • Dear readers, who among you have chook-keeping skills? Go on: own up! You are a vastly talented bunch!

    But I'm afraid this venture may all be a little too rustic for me: Dangerous living, risky business, a bit too on the edge? Mmmmm. Maybe I need to ponder it for a decade or two?

Basically all I'm wanting is a chicken nirvana that's easy to look after and poo minimizing.

Any (polite) suggestions? If not just leave your best chicken joke.


At 1:18 PM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

And here's mine:
Question: Why did the computer cross the road?

Answer: Because the chicken programmed it!

At 9:52 PM, Blogger FarmWife said...

I have chickens...never heard them called that! My advice is to make your other half & children do all the work. I do clean poo off the eggs, but that's about as far as I go. They freak me out a bit (too flappy & you never know what they're going to do next), but I love having fresh eggs.

And as far as life span goes, we eat ours before they get too old, so I don't know about the "natural" life span of a chicken.

Finally, fav. chicken joke:
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To show the 'possum it could be done.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger DPTH International said...

I'm often called a chicken, yet I'm surprisingly ignorant of chicken care.

Oh ... and I broke down and bought a Lordi album (the Finnish Erovision winners you told me about last year.) They're damned catchy. I'll be reviewing it sometime in June.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Wil said...

"I've heard they live for nine years but only lay for three. Is this true?" Only if you don't like chicken stew.

Snakes? The snakes like eggs and find captive chickens, with their captive eggs, to be a major delicacy. That, according to my snake-hating wife, who grew up with lotsa chickens in Louisiana. Here in Maine, it really isn't much of an issue. Foxes, coyotes and deep in the woods, bears are the annoyances.

My chicken-raising experiences all revolve around commercial chicken farms in the sixties, so not much help to free-range issues. Sounds to me like you're too much of a prissy thing to keep much of anything in the way of domestic fowl. Shit and farm animals is just a fact of life. Your poo isn't perfume, now is it?

At 12:58 PM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

Lordi! Cool!
Prissy, indeed!
P.S. The plural of platypus is apparently 'platypodus'.


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