anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I know I'll never have a cape but I bloody well feel like I've got a right to one!

Why is everyone so namby pamby and mimsy, all eagerly towing the party- line with never so much as a peep of opposition?

Because they are afraid to upset the status quo, end up with no friends and have everyone consider them a maverick trouble-maker. Gutless.

Yes. Jones is in a stink again. Jones is fed up with the entire population of the world again (except you, dear readers: esteemed ones). It's always me. Always bloody me who has to stand up and point out the illogic and idiocy , hypocrisy, and inequity!!!

"You are always angry about everything." "You are always against everything." "Why are you so bitter?" Dribble dribble dribble. Well, perhaps it's because everyone is so wrong and insanely STUPID!!!

And yes; after a while it does irritate me, especially when I am inevitably left without support as a lone stinking crusader! Sure, I don't like confrontation much, though I used to find it exciting as a teenager. However, after all the battles I have been in, the novelty wears off; but the sense of obligation to speak up never does. So I always get myself in trouble.

And I've done it again. I've set it all on fire once more. Though this time I have lit the match but I am not going to fan the flames because I know better in this situation. See? I'm wise, too. Like Astroboy.

But I am "that" person again: the dissenter.

Where's my theme music???!


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Chauntecleer said...

At last! Another dissenter! I completely understand how you feel.

I have never fit into the "mainstream." And yet I don't fit into the organized "counterculture" either. I just tend to be myself, alone and aloof in all my ways; I just want to make my own path in the world. What is right for other people is not necessarily right for me and vice versa. When did people stop becoming individuals?

For example, I have received a lot of flak amongst my family due to my belief that the U.S. Government has been lying to us about 9/11 for years; I don't buy into the Official Story for one second, nor due I take any news that the Corporately Controlled Media pound into our heads at face value. But this is not the place for me to discuss this; if any of you want to learn about this subject, then visit my blog. ^.^

Further more, I am the only non-Christian in my family (oh no, I must be EVIL!), so I receive a lot of grief from them about this. My mom often tells me that she wishes she could raise me again so I "would turn out right." Because I'm not a Christian, she believes that she has failed as a mother. But hey, I went to church this morning in order to appease her! But it didn't come close to converting me, though. All attempt to convert me is simply floccinaucinihilipilification. :P

Perhaps it would be illuminating if you would tell us what exactly it is that you are dissenting about? I'm curious!

At 11:37 AM, Blogger anonymous jones said...

Hmmm. Better not. It would be inappropriate. You sound pretty convinced about the 9/11 views you have - but is your government that clever to hide such a conspiracy?
I reckon there are Christian churches and "Christian" churches,too. Everything takes so much sorting out!

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Angie said...

I love reading your posts!

At 6:43 AM, Blogger pilgrimchick said...

Try the "Shaft" theme.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Sha said...

"I know I'll never have a cape but I bloody well feel like I've got a right to one!"

You are hilarious.


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