anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I have never posted a photo of me on my blog due to my humble technology etc. But, dear readers, I think we need to connect, so here is a little bit of me that I traced onto the screen. No, I am not Gollum. But I am Precious. (And cryptic.)

Unfortunately it is only my hand - which is not my best feature. That honour goes to my glorious Brazilian feet. (They are my best feet-ure, you could say!) No, I'm not Brazilian, but apparently long kangaroo-type feet are called that by some. Go figure.

Next, if you could see me, I would recommend you admire my hyper-mobile eyebrows. There is a lot you can say with an eyebrow. Lately I like to say "floccinaucinihilipilification" with mine. That shuts them up.

Please note that I don't actually have green skin as the illustration would suggest. I was, however, a vegetarian for a fair while (until I got really really hungry) and I do like to recycle which makes me metaphorically green. In reality I'm quite pale. Very pale. Well, very pale. In fact, I make gothic look swarthy. I should be an elf.

Well, there you are, a little tour of me! Vanity thy name is anonymous.

P.S. Have you got it? Then flaunt it in the comments!


At 1:14 AM, Blogger DPTH International said...

Wow a vegetarian in Australia, That must have been tough! My wife went veggie just before we vacationed in Aussie, but was forced to eat chicken once in a while due to lack of options. Good Show!
On another note, maybe Bravilian Kangaroo's have long toes too, and the Bravilian's coined the phrase.

At 6:40 AM, Blogger DPTH International said...

Hey, Thanx for the detailed comment. I'm guessing the band fudged some details about the tale of Arthur and such. Sooooo, I guess you've read up on your Arthurian stuff. I'm in the midst of The Mists of Avalon, pretty good book, but it's no inaccurate power metal!


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