anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sheep trucks smell like lemon sherbet!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Think about it, .... get that in your mind's nose ......yes? .....YES!

And mangoes taste like glorified CARROTS!!!!!! YES! Right again!!

Now where else, but on this magnificent blog, will you be able to share in such glorious olfactory revelations?? You will search and search but in vain because no one but me has the courage to deal with these weighty matters! In fact, this type of good, relevant information is as hard to find as a big word meaning 'of or to do with the faculty of taste', (the closest thing being "sapidity", which I am not sure is correct).

Of course, everyone knows that parmesan cheese tastes like ants (both contain formic acid) so why do we keep eating the stuff? And beer smell has always left me with the impression that someone's toddler has spat milk arrowroot biscuits into the can and left it open in the sun for three days.

Ahh, the mysteries of life!

Hope I haven't spoilt your sherbet balls (or sheep marbles - whatever your preference).


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