anonymous jones

Dedicated to the nicheless and the nameless ... fringe-dwellers of the madding crowd (does that sound pretentious enough?..)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The American Way is not enough anymore, claims Man of Steel !

Have you heard the kerfuffle over Superman's plan to renounce his citizenship in issue #900? Despite the unlikelihood that The-Most-Famous-Illegal-Alien-Of-All-Time-Who-Never-Went-Through-Immigration could do that anyway, this is BIG NEWS. Yes, apparently the population of the United States has taken it to heart and knickers are in knots all over the country.

Well, what's it all about? 

Supes is tired, it seems, of being politicized internationally by war-mongers.

So who can blame him? 

He's had nearly 80 years of this kind of thing (though some may unkindly suggest that he's a bit of a dim himbo who ought to have expected it after parading around in Super-snug red undies and blue reeeeeeeeeeeeally tight tights for so long). 

You don't agree? Then try this experiment at home: pack a suitcase of said undies and tights for yourself and hop on a plane for the Middle East, spend a week there in costume and see just what lovely apolitical and neutral sentiments you inspire. 

Time for a makeover, then, with his new Citizen Of The World status. I know! Get Trinny and Susannah on to him!   They'll bundle those sagging pecs into a good push-up man-bra! He needs a bowtie, too, methinks. They're cool. And the old slogan (er .. you know the one)is a bit , well, embarassing, especially post Wikileaks.  

What's a good motto for the new, revamped, international Superman?

 Hmm ... Truth Will Out?  

Oh no - that's taken.

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